Weekend in Review!

Monday, November 09, 2015

Hey all! 
This weekend went by entirely too fast, didn't it? To be honest, November already seems as though it's flying by. This afternoon my sisters in law contacted me about who's making what for Thanksgiving.
I cannot believe it's already time for the holidays again. This is my fifth set of holidays with my husband and his family, so I'm obviously very excited. Especially since bug is WELL aboard the "Santa" train this year. My goodness.

Here's a glimpse into my weekend!:
On Friday afternoon when I got out of work I got the chance to dress up all cute and go watch my husband's band play a show, which I don't get to do nearly as much as I'd like to so it's always a treat! It's a lot of fun hanging out with the other girlfriends and being silly together while our guys do their thing. There were a few negative things that happened about midway through the night that I'd rather not get into here, but overall it was a great time! Those boys practice and practice so it's nice to hear them all polished up, but my favorite part by far is seeing other people dance and sing along to their songs - it makes me super proud!
Afterward we went to my favorite pizza place in town, I got a huge slice of taco pizza and another of the loaded baked potato. It's seriously the best. I could eat there every day for a year and never get sick of it. (If you're ever in Providence, RI: check them out! ) We were out WAY past my usual bedtime, so I got home and crashed harder than I've crashed in a LONG time. Momma can't hang anymore!

Saturday My "get up and go" got up and went, so to speak, so I had a bumbling start and an aggravating day from start to finish to be quite frank. It was one of those "best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" kind of days, so I did what I could to salvage it and it end up turning out semi decent. I ended up calling/making plans with my dad. He had told me a friend of his thought that he would be into Hobby Lobby, but my dad isn't one to venture out of his set "circle" of stores, so I knew he would never go and check out the one by us. Being in the funk that I was (and HL being one of the happiest places on earth for me!) I roped him in to coming with me. He didn't quite realize that craft store shopping with me is a LONG event (he asked me if I was "wrapping it up" when I was only about 1/3 of the way through doing what I was doing. Eek!) He said he liked it, but I think he liked being with his grandbaby the most. I caught him pushing him around in the cart every time I turned my back!

Sunday was our nephews 5th birthday, which is insane to me. These kids and their growing! It was an adorable race car/ Hot Wheels themed party and all of the kids had a blast. My sisters in law did such a nice job putting everything together. I wish I had gotten some pictures, especially of the awesome trophy in the center of the table (full of popcorn, no less!), and the little "apple cars" butttt... auntie of the year accidentally left her camera at home. Sigh.
While we were there I got to catch up with a mutual friend of the family that I love very dearly. (She is on the micro sized list of people I trust to watch my child. That's love, folks.) She's an inspiring mother of 4, who's now tackling seminary & college with finesse and hilarity, and she has this ability to get the biggest belly laughs ever out of me. I LOVED chatting with her all afternoon! (She's blogging about her experiences here if anyone's interested in reading about her incredible journey!) Seeing all of the kids together was awesome, and our nephew was stoked on what we got him. Win-win!
Following that, we got to spend the rest of the afternoon with my husbands 90 year old grandmother. We spent just about 2 or so hours going through some things over at her house (digging around the attic/in spare rooms/looking through books and pictures/etc). She gave us some awesome books on JFK, a book revised in 1960-something that's completely in french and several other bobbles and trinkets. Everything has a story at her house, and anyone that's been around me for five seconds knows how much I love something old plus the story behind it! She's lead a very interesting life!
Grocery shopping followed that, and we got home late enough to warrant me not wanting to cook - so we ordered a pizza, put our mini muffin to bed and watched some WWF "Attitude Era" wrestling, before crashing out for the night.

At some point in the day we realized that if we were still counting it, it would have been our 4 year dating anniversary! (We count by Christmases, though - since Christmas is kind of a huge deal in our family. So this year is 5 Christmases together!) We stopped counting our dating anniversary once we got married last year, but it's insane to me to think we've been together for four years now! Especially since I've known him since I was 13! It's been a fun and hectic few years, and I'm very excited to see where life leads us. I'm also very happy we spent the last few hours of the day in our pajamas, eating philly cheesesteak pizza and watching ridiculous storylines from our childhood while playing our favorite game of "you can't do that anymore!" (Bleeding on tv for real without having to stop the match? Smacking people in the head with a chair for real? "Can't do that anymore!")

It was a very, very busy - but very good weekend for the three of us!
I hope you all had a good weekend as well. 
Did you do anything interesting? Comment below! I'd love to hear it!


(P.S.: I took this quick shot of the shelf where I keep my fob/jewellery supplies as of late after snapping all of the other photos for this post. Just a small selection of my organized chaos! Our living room is half living room/half my studio. It's not very glamorous- but it's mine!)

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