Weekend in Review!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hey guys. 
This isn't going to be the most positive weekend update, and I'm sorry for that. Please hold tight. Brighter posts are coming. 
(Also let me add in; for those of you that follow me over on Twitter - yes I was supposed to post a tutorial on Friday. I got into step one and realized I'm missing something essential to finish it. I'm aiming for this coming Friday. Bare with me. This is all new to me still!)
Friday the 13th really took its toll on the world and I am still reeling from it as I sit here and type this on Monday. It's just so much to process at once. I sat there Friday night reading the news with my mouth agape, and any time it would refresh or a new update came in it just got worse and worse.
As a mom, sometimes it's really difficult to not feel selfish for bringing a child into a world so full of sadness and pain and hatred when terrible things like this happen. I keep saying to myself that I'm raising him to be a good person. A helper. As Mister Rogers himself had said- "My mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother's words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world." I want him to be that person, a caring & helpful individual, someone who can be there for others in times of sadness and chaos, and so that quote keeps me afloat in times of global distress. 

My heart is with all of the families in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, and those in Mexico & Japan dealing with the aftermath of the horrible earthquakes. 
(If you're interested, you can click here to find some reputable places specifically for donating to the victims of the Paris attacks.)
When my husband finally came home from work I was exhausted, both from the news and from battling this cold all week so we called it quits early after some Chinese food and a little bit of comedy to try and turn our moods around. (John Mulaneys new comedy special on Netflix is absolutely hysterical.) We laid in bed and the sir couldn't fall asleep at all. Once I actually fell asleep I had bad dreams all night. I tossed and turned and woke up several times.
Finally on Saturday morning after about an hours worth of sleep, I woke up to a message from my best friend/coworker that just said "Oh my God, Chuck." And my heart dropped from my chest down to the pit of my stomach immediately. I logged into Facebook to find that the same pals that did pumpkin carving and all of that with us (in my fall updates post) had a horrible house fire the night of 11/13 that completely destroyed their house and all of their belongings. My husband came into our room and I was white as a sheet, and since I'm forever the bearer of bad news in this house, had to tell him what had happened. Chuck's cousin Pat got ahold of us shortly thereafter and gave us the lowdown and I just cried and cried. I'm an extremely sentimental person as well as a very sensitive one and because they essentially are my family I just fell apart. I keep saying it over and over, but I'm so thankful they weren't home and that everyone is okay. They are absolutely wonderful people that I personally couldn't imagine my life without. You know how there's just some people you bond with on a soul level? They are those people to me.
(If anyone would like to donate, there is a GoFundMe up and running for them as well.)

We headed out for me to be able to grab a coffee while we contacted some people about physical donations and decided that while we were out I could use my Kohl's coupons to get some clothes for my little big man. This growth spurt is still happening, and the more I get him dressed the more I come across clothes that are getting smaller and smaller. Even the coat we just got him for winter, the inner light fall jacket is already creeping up at the sleeves. It's incredible! I ended up getting him a stack of Jumping Beans stuff (Some of which is pictured as the photo for this weeks post, and I got it all with a 15% off your total purchase coupon. Mom jackpot!), that way if he grows out of it by spring it won't be so detrimental to my wallet. Everywhere I go people tell me how huge/tall he is, I'm almost scared to see what he's going to be like as a teenager!
We ran over to the mall as well and it was Santas first day on the job! Bee is OBSESSED with Santa and Christmas right now, so I was very excited to have him meet the jolly ol' fella. We walked to the center of the mall and he was walking around outside of his designated sitting area so I told kiddo he can say hello if he wants. As he was waving hello, Santa came right over to him and said hi, complimented him on his Peanuts sneakers and asked him about his beloved stuffed animal. This was a VERY one sided conversation because my child was wide eyed in stunned silence. All of his answers were barely audible whispers and he totally had ZERO idea what to do! It was Christmas magic right in front of my eyes, and with how emotional my day had already been, after we said goodbye to him (and he booped kiddo on the nose!) I just burst into tears. It's something I'll remember for a lifetime. I was super annoyed that the "assistant" wouldn't let me film the moment (she did everything but swat my phone away...sigh.) because I would love to re-watch his face lighting up over and over again. I don't know if anything else this year is going to top that moment for me.

Sunday we went on an outing with my father to do something I'll discuss at length at a later time. My dad is a blacksmith (and super cool!) and at some point I plan on doing a whole write up on him/what he does/what we've accomplished together. We had a great day! He made me some orange flavored cinnamon rolls which always take me right back to my childhood. He spoils me! Bug has been SUPER cranky lately, what with the growth spurt/coming down from a cold/general threenagering, so it was a bit of a challenging afternoon, but overall a successful one.
After dropping my dad off, we grabbed some lunch at Panera, where my son refused to eat turkey because it's him, and he refuses to eat anything even vaguely not shaped like, I don't know - waffles? He hates anything we offer him until he's given no other option, then he tries it and loves it. It's one of those frustrating motherhood moments that I'll laugh at someday.
(Right? Hopefully? ...Bueller?)

November has already hung us out to dry, and we're only heading into the third week. Thankfully we have some things to look forward to in the next couple of weeks with our friends doing a comedy show this weekend, as well as a benefit for Chuck & our other friends the night before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving itself, and holiday prep, which means I can FINALLY start getting into the Christmas mood and take all of my decorations out of storage! Yay! I love transforming the house into our little winter wonderland and can't wait to share that here.
All that aside, I'm just really hoping for a brighter December, both on a personal level and globally.
My fingers are crossed.
It is the season of loving, giving and being thankful after all.
Love one another & be well.


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